Grace Missionary Baptist Church
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The ladies of the church have a card ministry. All cards are created solely by the ladies of the church. Proceeds from this ministry are used to send packages containing special items to our missionaries, and to extend acts of kindness to ladies of other churches during times of sickness or discouragement. It is amazing what God can do with a small group of people who resolve to serve Him.

Down through the years, God has opened many doors. The church has gone through each door, having confidence that our God never makes a mistake, and He does all things well! He has been with us every step of the way. We are thankful to God and to the people who have made up the Grace Missionary Baptist Church from her beginning until now. Some of them have gone on to be with the Lord, but their faithfulness has not been forgotten by the Lord or by us.

It is because of His faithfulness and the faithfulness of the church members that we have been able to stand for their "old paths". In a day when many churches are becoming modern and more liberal in their teachings, we as a church are resolved not to let down the bars, but to "earnestly contend for the faith once delivered unto the saints" (Jude, verse 3). Many would consider our beliefs and practices "old fashioned" - we believe they are biblical. If God does not change, and His Word does not change, neither should we! We have a great and wonderful Savior to preach. It is only through Him that men, women, boys and girls can be redeemed. It is by His precious blood and nothing else that we can be eternally saved and never lost again. May He get the glory both now and forever!

For further information on the beliefs and practices of Grace Missionary Baptist Church, feel free to contact us at the address listed below. We welcome your inquiries.

Grace Missionary Baptist Church
125 Locust Lane
Frankfort, KY 40601

(502) 695-6931 (Church)
(502) 695-4709 (Pastor's Home)

125 Locust Lane       Frankfort KY 40601       (502) 695-6931