- The Holy Scriptures are verbally inspired and are sufficient to guide us in all spiritual matters.
- The Genesis account of creation is accurate and believable.
- God is an absolute sovereign, ruling everything according to His own pleasure.
- God exists in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
- The Lord Jesus Christ was born of a virgin with no human father.
- The work of the Holy Spirit is to reprove the world of sin, righteousness and judgment to come and to draw, quicken, seal, and change the elect.
- Adam fell by transgression and plunged the human race into condemnation, and as a result, all men are totally depraved and in a lost condition.
- Justification is by faith in the work of Christ alone, without the works of man.
- All true believers are eternally secure as a result of Christ’s finished work.
- Jesus Christ arose bodily from the grave and is at the Father’s right hand until He returns in the pre-tribulation, premillenial rapture of the saints.
- Repentance and faith are inseparable graces.
- All men are commanded to obey the Gospel and submit themselves to God.
- Those who obey the Gospel will walk in good works.
- All who are born again will persevere according to God’s command.
- The Lord’s Church is a local, visible assembly of baptized believers called out to fulfill the commission and to be the pillar and ground of the truth.
- The commission is: to teach all nations, baptize and teach those who believe to observe all things commanded by our Lord.
- There are only two Church ordinances...baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
- Baptism must be according to scripture and must be rejected and readministered to those coming from unscriptural churches.
- The Lord’s Supper is to be observed exclusively by the local church members,commonly called Closed Communion.
- Membership is granted to those who have publicly professed faith in Christ repented toward God, and received scriptural baptism.
- Membership is a privilege and an honor, and discipline will be exercised toward those who fail to walk in a godly manner.
- Heaven and Hell are literal places; men will exist in one or the other forever
- Satan is a created spirit being who exists as a person and god of this world; his doom has been declared, and God will consign him to the lake of fire forever